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How To: Onboard a New User (Admin)

Follow this guide to create a single new user on the Dispel Dashboard.

Matt Fulk avatar
Written by Matt Fulk
Updated over 2 months ago

Invite the Member

  1. Navigate to Users and click Invite

  2. Enter the user's email and select their role, then click Invite this user.

    1. Enter the user's email, Organization role-level, and language. Then, invite them.

      1. *Note: For guidance on assigning the Organization role-level, please visit this guide on Creating a Proper Permissions Hierarchy.

      1. Note: The user will now show as a pending invite, but they cannot be added to regions or stacks until they log in for the first time

  3. This will send an invite email to their email address. Have them retrieve the link and follow the on-screen instructions to set up their user.

    1. Note: The password is required to be between 14 and 128 characters, have at least 1 uppercase character, at least 1 special character, and at least 1 number.

  4. Once the user has logged in for the first time, the Invite Pending message will disappear from beside their name (you will need to refresh to update this), and you will be able to add them to regions and stacks.

Configuring the User's Permissions

The user is now a member of your organization, but does not have access to any resources by default for security. Please use the guide below to ensure that the user is a member of a Region, Facility, and Stack, has access to the devices they need over the correct ports, and has an active access window.

*Note: You do not need to proactively create an access window. You can wait for the user to request access, and approve it in your Admin dashboard later.

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